Thursday, 27 September 2012

Week Nine : Architectural Entity Development

Beginning to apply ideas I made a series of small conceptual models in order to explore both how activities could be contained within the site and how residual space could create informal pockets between and within the building. The following are a series of ideas I have since marked up.

Considering that a building is a visible, concrete manifestation of a social group or social institution and since every social institution has smaller groups and institutions within it; I think it is prudent to understand that a human building will always reveal itself, as a complex of these smaller institutions. I therefore took from these explorations several key elements that should be considered fundamental to an entity that is active in the ecology of its precinct.

Establishing realms of circulation: In many modern building complexes the problem of disorientation is acute. It is important to create a sense of transparency which produces and open expression rather than one which is unreceptive. 

Creating pockets of activity to enliven the public arena: The life of public space forms naturally around its edge, if the edge fails then the space never becomes lively. By surrounding the public arena with thresholds of activity which spill forth people will naturally pause and become intrigued by the life of the space.

Creating richness through informed layers: Simplifying patterns in a building is a way of lending order while allowing multiple readings and experiences. Integrating adjacencies within the building and emphasising a natural progression through the space would lend to both meaningful connections and a rich experience of the entity.

Applying these considerations; an idea for a place that preserves and celebrates a withstanding collective presence and nurtures an emergent meaningful belonging were conceptualised in the following form.

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