Thursday, 4 October 2012

Week Ten : Architectural Entity Development

Following on from research about ideas of creating and facilitating action through the built environment I was poised to consider the types of activity that I envision as being contained within my entity. The following is a basic conception of how I would imagine the initiative could transform across the year through a series of animations and below that are my vision for how these propositions could relate to the human experience.

Animation on a small scale. Retail goods accessible during day time trade and elevated to make space for night time activity. Image source: Happy Shop

Virtual technology as a way of connecting the community through space AND time. Image source: Experience Rethink
Visual connection between spaces and marketplace activity. Image source: Dsignarium

Facilitating such culture specific to the locality creates not only a common belonging but also a distinct and shared language. Planning the arrangement and interaction of spaces I have used the following patterns to reinforce my ideas thus far;

Establishing a public outdoor room: Because of the diverse and casual nature of urban activities, they require a space which has a subtle balance of being defined yet not too defined, so that any activity which is natural to the neighbourhood at any given time can develop freely and yet has something to start from. The intention then is to establish a space which naturally invites curiosity and dwelling; and that once community groups begin to gravitate toward allows them to create an environment appropriate to their activities.

Creating a carnival: Just as an individual person dreams fantastic happenings which cannot be encompassed by the ordinary, so too a precinct needs its dreams. There is, in short, a need for socially sanctioned activities which are the social, outward equivalents of dreaming. By creating a space in which people may dwell, mingle and shape this inward dreaming would gain a place to express the unique subculture of Paddington.

Applying these then to a more definite layout the below spatial diagram represents the current state of my collaborative entity.

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