Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Week Eleven : Architectural Entity Development

Detailing the built form further I have attempted to approach my development this week from the scale of both its envelope and functional requirements. With such vast ideas and aspirations for its use I am struggling to unite all these divergent threads in a succinct manner. I do feel however that the below form is achieving a more refined vision for my entity and applying my ideas in a more physical and tangible sense.

From this process of refinement further patterns which speak to the language of the life, pulse and substance of this collaborative initiative have evolved to include;

Individually owned shops: When shops are too large, or controlled by absentee owners, they become plastic, bland and abstract. Indeed supermarkets today have dehumanised experience of the marketplace, thus in the emergent future; as a way to revive human contact, variety and wisdom individually owned retail run as a way of life will replace the current offer.

Using the staircase as a stage: A staircase is not just a way of getting from one floor to another. The stair itself is a space, a volume, a part of the building, and unless this space is made to live, it will be a dead spot; working to disconnect the building and to tear its processes apart. Placing the stairs in a key position, central and visible will naturally incorporate the space within the marketplace action and encourage congregation.

Tapestry of light and dark: In a building with uniform light level, there are few 'places which function as effective settings for human events. This happens because, to a large extent, the place which make effective settings are defined by light. By creating alternating areas of light and dark throughout the building, people will naturally appreciate significance of brightly lit space.

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