Saturday, 25 August 2012

Week Five : Thoughts on Architectural Possibilities

Having explored  abstract ideas for architectural opportunity  throughout the course of our work, this week we sought to develop a unified vision for our ideas. While individual research had spawned new concepts and more elaborate understanding we were nonetheless determined to gather these individual threads and reaffirm an idea which permeated all aspects of Paddington.

In essence it is our dream that Paddington as a result of both market drivers and personal aspirations will emerge as a community that its citizens collectively shape. Paddington Central will acts as an urban structure that facilitates transparent interaction and rather than engaging in over planning provide opportunities to engage and evoke grass root participation. As a local platform for collaborative living we believe in the possibility for the centre to contain four defining spaces that both transact with the local community and serve as a model to the greater global audience. The below diagram outlines our four concepts and illustrates the provisions of such spaces.

To take a step back and relate these architectural possibilities to our earlier established future scenario I considered the progression of the community in reference to drivers, principles and subsequent patterns.

Whether we recognise it or not the future is already in motion, past choices, inventions and trends jostle, merge and coincide with emerging theories, innovations and dreams. In an attempt to delineate what I would consider 'game' changers the below infographics illustrates pressing global concerns and the diverging movements that have potential to underpin a utopian future. 

To launch from these drivers is to then envision Paddington as ground zero for the evolution of suburban settings. In the spectrum of a new communal mindset the principles outline below are what I would expect to underpin a society that has undergone such radical transformation. They represent the defining aspects of a truly humble existence.

Patterns within urban communities either strengthen or weaken those around them. To the extent that patterns strengthen and contribute to the balance and identity of a precinct, relates to the resilience of that community. Patterns are born of principles and thus in summary of my drivers - principles - patterns sequence the below image outlines that which I believe to underpin the nature of our architectural opportunities.

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